Bridging Technology and Decision-Making in Emergency Management
Former FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate calls on organizations to address the gap between technology and decision-making.
Adapting to an Evolving Environment: A Guide to Wildfire Risk Assessments for Utility Organizations
Ret. Fire Chief & Co-Founder Russ Johnson calls on electric utility organizations to enhance their wildfire resilience.
Achieving Efficiencies: Strengthening Federal Agencies’ Operations with BES
Learn how BES assists federal agencies nationwide to do more with less.
Strengthening Utility Resilience: How BES Supports Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program Initiatives
BES announces a continued commitment to enhancing resilience in utility organizations nationwide.
Re-Thinking Situational Awareness: Optimizing Emergency Management with Comprehensive Operational Awareness
BES challenges organizations to re-think their situational awareness to improve resilience.
Using GIS to Fight Crime: Mapping Insights for Safer Communities
Discover how GIS can be leveraged to enhance law enforcement agencies.
Recognizing the Significance of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2024
In the wake of Helene and Milton, disaster risk reduction is more important than ever.
Enhancing Situational Awareness During National Preparedness Month
The role of situational awareness in preparedness is vital. Learn how BES' dynamic and custom tailored solutions improve preparedness for clients around the nation.
Adapting to FERC Order No. 2023: A Strategic Guide for Utility Executives
FERC Order No. 2023 is a complex challenge for many utility organizations. Learn how to effectively adapt and seize this unique opportunity.
FERC Order No. 2023: How to Adapt to a Changing Environment
Understand the reasoning behind FERC Order No. 2023 (RM22-14-000), what it means technically, and how to navigate this change.
The Unintended Impacts of Public Safety Power Shutoff Events
Discover how Public Safety Power Shutoffs, a vital wildfire mitigation tool, can impact affected community members.
When the Right Piece is Missing, Build Your Own!
Learn how to leverage Esri JavaScript SDK to efficiently create and customize web mapping applications using its extensive library of classes and widgets.
Futureproofing Your Technology Investments
Learn how BES can help you prepare for the future and get the most out of your technology investments.
Post-Storm Electrical Safety: Essential Tips for National Electrical Safety Month
Learn essential tips to stay safe after storms and natural disasters.
Celebrating National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week: Honoring the Unsung Heroes of Emergency Response
To honor these overlooked heroes behind the headset, BES’ own Mike King shares an incredible personal story detailing how a 911 telecommunicator saved his life while on the force.
Proactive Measures in Wildfire Mitigation: Strategies for Utility Organizations
Discover the importance of wildfire mitigation planning for utility organizations and vital strategies when beginning planning.
Public Safety Power Shutoffs: Mitigating Wildfire Risks in a Changing Climate
Craig Fugate talks about everything PSPS, including best practices for implementation.
Situational Awareness - What’s Missing?
Learn how critical information in unstructured data needs human analysis to integrate into situational awareness systems.
Leadership Challenges in Deploying Modern GIS
Learn about how implementing GIS for situational awareness requires governing organizational change and sustaining capabilities.
Leadership's Misperception of Today’s GIS
Read how organizations underutilize modern GIS capabilities, requiring leadership to drive training and adoption.